Amy Madigan, Love Child

Friday, April 08, 2005

Janet Maslin

"Amy Madigan, a newcomer who plays Terry, makes her a raw-boned, angry tomboy at first; only gradually is the child-crying-out-for help side of the character revealed. Miss Madigan seems potentially a tough, unusual actress, but Mr. Peerce keeps her at full throttle so much of the time that the performance loses its force. Her wildeyed, furious mannerisms, at first quite arresting, become familiar long before they should. Miss Madigan isn't alone in this; all of the film's characters have a tendency to come on too strong and then wear out their welcomes. Even Mackenzie Phillips, who swaggers along in a ducktail haircut and describes herself as ''a married man,'' becomes positively humdrum before the film ends."

--Janet Maslin, New York Times, October 15, 1982

(Originally published by Intersections Nov. 22, 2014)


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